Goth Babe, the musical project of Griffin Washburn is back with a new single! The track is part of an upcoming 3-song EP released early next month. The artist has an adventurous approach to his lifestyle and music making. Griffin actually lives in a camper together with his lovely dog Sadie. He’s currently traveling through America while enjoying hiking and surfing. If that isn’t exciting enough, the talented artist also records all his songs in the back of his camper on 100 watts of solar power!
“Goth Babe is Griffin Washburn enjoying himself.” That’s the artists bio on bandcamp and perfectly reflects his nomadic lifestyle and the influence it has on his music. Goth Babe has been creating dreamy and lush indie-pop tracks for over three years now. And the music keeps on getting better and better with every release! “Her Vacation” gives us more of Griffin’s lush psychedelic layered vocals over infectious synths.
It just makes you want to let go of everything and head out on the road following Goth Babe’s adventure! Listen now below:
Goth Babe is back with lush and dreamy new single “Her Vacation”